No MTBF Tribe

Thanks to Kirk and the folks at TED for sharing another interesting presentation. Seth Godin: The Tribes we lead is a look at how we each can lead a movement to make real change in this world. Tribes and the organization of tribes has been around a long time, in recent years though those that controlled the mass media tried a different way to influence.

Enjoy the short talk and think about how you want to change something – then go about getting started. I have.

The NoMTBF movement is underway. We have, as of this writing, about 250 people interested enough to follow this blog, join a mailing list, follow the twitter feed, or join discussions on the Linkedin group. We’re coming together to change something in our world for the betterment of all. Eradicating MTBF and the like will help to fundamentally improve product and system reliability.

Now it’s time to encourage others of a like mind to join the tribe. Also, what are your ideas and stories related to MTBF. Let’s learn from each other and steadily work towards using much better methods to describe and work with reliability. Let’s help our design, maintenance and management teams to get on board.

In a previous post I outlined actions we can take. Review that call to action, add you comments and ideas, successes and roadblocks, and let’s get started. Encourage others to participate, lead your own movement, and let’s make change happen.

About Fred Schenkelberg

I am an experienced reliability engineering and management consultant with my firm FMS Reliability. My passion is working with teams to create cost-effective reliability programs that solve problems, create durable and reliable products, increase customer satisfaction, and reduce warranty costs.

2 thoughts on “No MTBF Tribe

  1. Spot on! I also switched to the the point where I conclude that average system (MTBF, MTBUR, ….) are misleading terminologies. I also once convinced the management and since I started to analyze street-level data leaving average system aside, I realized that then things started to converge
    Reliability Engr, PIA

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