In the NoMTBF newsletter I’ve announced a contest for this site.
I’d like to invite you to write a guest post on MTBF, either good or bad, for or against, a case study or how-to-use article. Just something about MTBF.
Then, if during the week we post it the site reaches a new record for visits, I’ll send you a shiny new NoMTBF logo coffee mug.
We typically try to post on Friday and I’ve been measuring visits and pageviews with Google Analytics from Friday to Friday. So, the week is a bit generous and includea all visits and pageviews, not just traffic to your post. I have found that great articles get shared to others and encourage readers to wander about the site.
To date the best week on the site had 1,946 pageviews, July 27 to Aug 3, 2012. Mark had posted an article on Bayesian statistics and reliability.
Kirk posted an article on draining the bathtub curve and the site enjoyed 1,309 pageviews. Notice that neither of these were one of my posts. I’m still working on the right title, topic and message, but the views on weeks I’ve posted haven’t come close. So, I’m hoping to use this contest to draw more attention to the site and the overall message.
There’s no limit; if your post sets a new record, you get a mug. If the next post tops yours they get a mug. Guess you’ll have to try again to recapture the record.
You like a challenge and the reward is a nice mug. How can you resist? Send me your idea and essay and we’ll arrange to have it posted and I’ll announce the winners as the weekly pageviews creates a new record.