5 Reliability Training Options

Just answered a question on where to find reliability engineering training on basics and statistics. There are plenty of options and below I’m listing just where to find the many, many options available to you.

You have many options – see the reliabilitycalendar.org and search for Introduction to Reliability Engineering (I’m working on better ways to search or filter so look for improvements in the near future).

Also, if you are looking for a university program there are quite a few listed at http://reliabilitycalendar.org/highered — new site to replace current one at reliability calendar.org

And, you can check with consultants (list under sources at reliability calendar site) for one that has a course you’re seeking and most of them are willing to travel (as I am….)

And, I did mention lots of choices, you can view the recorded short courses by Dr. Elsayed and by Steven Wachs – 8 hours and a great intro to reliability statistics – and other short courses and webinar for free if you are an ASQ Reliability Division member. Recordings are available at asq.org/reliability under the library.

Plus, we are working on a means to offer the recordings on a pay for view basis (not quite ready yet we’re working on it — you know how volunteer labor is at times.

Anyway, there are plenty of options available to you.

About Fred Schenkelberg

I am an experienced reliability engineering and management consultant with my firm FMS Reliability. My passion is working with teams to create cost-effective reliability programs that solve problems, create durable and reliable products, increase customer satisfaction, and reduce warranty costs.

2 thoughts on “5 Reliability Training Options

  1. I’ve watched a number of free webinars from the ASQ website and have yet to be disappointed. I highly recommend keeping the reliabilitycalendar.org website on your short list of sites to check regularly. Thanks for all of the hard work Fred.

    1. Hi Bill – thanks for the kind words. As you know there is a pretty good team of volunteers helping with the production of the webinars, plus all the speakers that have something interesting and valuable to say. – cheers, Fred

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