Reliability Blogs

Reliability Blogs

One of the venues for learning about reliability is the blogosphere. In some cases purely educational, others are more appropriate for the opinion page. Some comment on interesting facets of reliability and maintenance engineering, while others focus on examples of services provided.

Overall there are not many blogs focused exclusively on reliability. A simple online search finds a range of articles in blogs that may have the key word ‘reliability’ yet the overall blog could be most anything. Since I do enjoy keeping up with what others are writing I’ve been following a few blogs regularly for the past year or so. Thus instead of my usual rant about MTBF – I’ll list the few blogs that I’ve found worth the time to read. I recommend checking these out, subscribe to the ones that look interesting and participate by commenting with observations or questions. Please do let me know of any other reliability related blogs that are out there.

CRE Preparation A site by a group of authors that write about elements of the ASQ Certified Reliability Engineer body of knowledge, think mini tutorials. The intended audience is those preparing for the exam.

The Maintenance Phoenix “Your Resource for Maintenance and Reliability Best Practices” by Ricky Smith, GPAllied

Reliability Blog Written by the consultants of Ops A La Carte since 2009. A wide range of topics and great information.

ARS Blog Kirk Gray occasionally writes informative essays about how we approach reliability issues. I learn from each one and look forward to the next one.

Test to be your Best Daily stories and antedates by Chris Peterson related to reliability, testing, and sometimes our approach to problem solving. Very informative, makes you stop and think, and great stories.

Reliability Now blog Shon Isenhour write regularly on maintenance reliability topics. Always informative and easy to read.

Terry Wireman’s blog Terry comments on news, education, and forces effecting the world of maintenance reliability within the oil industry (mostly) although his comments do apply widely.

RCM Blitz Doug Plucknette writes on a wide range of topics related to reliability centered maintenance. The blog has been going for 15 years.

Allied Knowledge Center blog Focused on maintenance reliability. The last few posts provided very clear discussions about data gather techniques – very practical, well written and thorough.

Software Testing Blog Software development and testing focus yet very well written and informative .

ARMS Reliability The Reliability Blog Good discussions, yet tend to focus on services ARMS Reliability offers.

Balch & Bingham, LLP Electric Reliability Law Blog An example of a narrow focus blog. If you are in the power generation or distribution industry, this is a must read.

Bjarni Ellert Isleifsson, CMRP blog Bjarni writes well thought out and interesting posts on occasion. Wish he would write more, I like his approach. Topics are all matters related to Reliability & Maintenance.

Reliability ( format) A daily summary of curated maintenance reliability information by Terrence O’Hanlon, CEO and Publisher of and Uptime Magazine.

Reliasoft’s Hotwire While not exactly a blog, rather a monthly eNewsletter, it typically has two very informative articles on reliability statistics (most often). It’s been publishing since 2001 and covers a lot of topics.

About Fred Schenkelberg

I am an experienced reliability engineering and management consultant with my firm FMS Reliability. My passion is working with teams to create cost-effective reliability programs that solve problems, create durable and reliable products, increase customer satisfaction, and reduce warranty costs.

7 thoughts on “Reliability Blogs

  1. Thanks for the mention! I saw it on an evening after teaching a class, and I told my students about it the next day. They were so excited to have a teacher who writes a blog. LOL

    I thought about what you said about how some blogs are opinions. I hesitated in writing a blog for years because I was afraid it would be seen only as an opinion and perhaps not believed. Then I realized that a blog is a perfect place to put an opinion as long as it is clear that you are expressing an opinion and not reporting it as facts. A blog is not a good place to continually rant. It certainly isn’t a place for slander or purposeful insults. I think if you can find a good blend between reporting and being a real live person with a beating heart that most people are clever enough to see the difference between what is good sound advice and what is only arrogance or a baseless or prejudiced opinion.

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